Problems with swallowing, eating, speaking, and walking, along with cognitive changes and psychiatric disorders, often lead to admission to a skilled...
Even though 95% of individuals diagnosed with dementia have no formal history of serious mental illness, nearly all patients will exhibit psychiatric...
Behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) will ultimately affect nearly all patients living with dementia
Anxiety and depression are common neuropsychiatric symptoms in Alzheimer’s disease. What are the causes and how do these symptoms manifest?
Newly published research indicates that pneumonia and a range of adverse outcomes is associated with antipsychotic use among patients who have dementi...
there has been increasing discussion of the use of anticonvulsant (antiepileptic) medications for nursing home residents living with dementia. One of...
Dehydration is common among nursing home residents, and it bears both immediate and potentially, long-term associations with both cognitive health and...
Almost two-thirds of Americans living with Alzheimer’s are women. While women have a longer average lifespan, this does not fully explain the gender d...
April is Parkinson’s Disease Awareness Month, we focus attention on this illness that affects at least half a million Americans is the 2nd most commo...
While it’s well understood that dementia is on the rise globally, certain demographics suffer a disproportionate burden. Minority Health Month draws a...
Based on findings that use of anticonvulsant medications among nursing home residents with dementia has been on the rise, Candon et al. conducted some...
CMS will begin collecting data on usage of anticonvulsant medications in Section N of the MDS form effective October 1, 2024, reports McKnight’s Long-...