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an elderly person's hands holding a glass of water and two pill medications

Overcoming Resistance to Gradual Dose Reduction (GDR)

CMS, in its new guidance for long-term care surveyors now taking effect on April 28, 2025, specifies practices for Gradual Dose Reduction (GDR) for re...

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Elderly man sitting looking concerned

GAPNA Chat: Podcast Highlights

Steven L. Posar, MD, GuideStar CEO and Founder, was recently a guest on a Gerontological Advanced Practice Nurses Association production, the GAPNA Ch...

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closeup of hand with pen and clipboard with elderly patient sitting in the background

CMS New Guidance: Psychotropics & Gradual Dose Reduction, F605

Nursing homes will soon be subject to new, more stringent surveyor guidance about psychotropic medications for residents, now effective April 28, 2025...

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older couple consulting with younger healthcare worker

New CMS Guidance: Prevent Unnecessary Psychotropic Medications

CMS announced major changes in long-term care surveyor guidance that will now take effect on April 28, 2025. Under the new provisions, use of psychotr...

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two elderly women enjoying coffee with healthcare worker checking on them.

LTC: Neurology-First Care Yields Positive Results

“Approaching dementia care with a neurology-first mindset can bring positive results to residents in long term care,” said Provider in an introduction...

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Elderly gentleman sitting with hands together in front of him with concerned elderly woman sitting next to him, touching his shoulder and arm

Outcomes of Antipsychotic Use in Dementia

It’s well documented that use of antipsychotics in dementia care can lead to an array of adverse medical outcomes. Recent research suggests that antip...

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caretaker brushing elderly woman's hair

Achieving Better Clinical Outcomes in LTC

Long-term care clinicians are continuously challenged to find ways to keep residents happy, healthy, and at home. In this era of managed cared models...

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medical professionals gathered at conference table looking at a tablet

Nursing Homes Embrace I-SNPs

Institutional Special Needs Plans (I-SNPs) are catching on in long-term care. A Special Needs Plan (SNP) in the Medicare Advantage program addresses t...

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Alzheimer's or LATE dementia?

TDP-43 and LATE Dementia: 10 Things to Know

Only just identified in 2019, LATE is now the focus of intensive dementia research—and surprises are emerging. Based on continuing discoveries, here a...

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Achieve CMS compliance with anticonvulsant utilization recommendations

How to Achieve CMS Behavioral Health Compliance

In longterm care facilities, CMS compliance depends on ensuring diagnostic accuracy and avoiding unnecessary use of antipsychotics and other psychotro...

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elderly frail woman in hospital bed

Understanding Frailty and Dementia

Frailty and dementia are “closely linked,” explain Song and colleagues in a recent article published in JAMDA. In their study of 29,000+ nursing home...

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Elderly person being hugged

World Alzheimer’s Month: Challenging the Stigma

World Alzheimer’s Month this September kicks off a campaign to raise awareness and eliminate the stigma surrounding dementia, says Alzheimer’s Disease...

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