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GuideStar Eldercare Presents Antipsychotic Stewardship Steps at OHCA

GuideStar Eldercare Presents Antipsychotic Stewardship Steps at OHCA

Crown Point, IN – As CMS scrutinizes antipsychotic regimens, experts at GuideStar Eldercare will offer breakthrough models for accurate diagnosis and treatment for symptoms of dementia and antipsychotic reduction in their presentation on May 24, 2023 at 1:15 PM as part of the Ohio Health Care Association conference in Columbus, OH.

The presentation, “Anti-Psychotic Stewardship: A Multidisciplinary Approach,” will outline the proven Antipsychotic Stewardship model pioneered by GuideStar clinicians. The model helps nursing home operators achieve antipsychotic reduction and advances person-centered care. Presenters will be Steven Posar MD, CEO and Founder, James Shackson MD, Geriatric Psychiatrist, Daniel Heiser PsyD, Clinical Psychologist, and Anita Reid NP of the GuideStar Eldercare team.

